Job Description

Job Description

Job Description Form

Main Service Unit General Secretariat


Gazi University Academic Writing Application and Research Center


Central Manager

Basic Powers, Duties and Responsibilities:

a) To represent the center.

b) To chair the Board of Directors and to invite the members of the Board of Directors to the meeting. To manage the units under its management in line with the purposes of the Center.

c) To implement the decisions taken and the work program prepared by the Board of Directors.

ç) To ensure coordination regarding the programs and activities related to the Center implemented in faculties, institutes, colleges, vocational colleges, other research and application centers and departments affiliated to the Rectorate.

d) To carry out the necessary actions by taking the necessary measures for the successful and purposeful realization of the training programs.

e) Conducting discussions at national and international level, preparing or having projects prepared, making project proposals in the organization of training programs and in relation to the fields of activity of the Center.

f) To prepare the proposals of the Center regarding the budget and to submit them to the approval of the Rector following the approval of the Board of Directors; to implement the approved work schedules.

g) Submit the annual activity report of the Center to the Rectorate following the discussion in the Board of Directors





















Main Service Unit General Secretariat


Gazi University Academic Writing Application and Research Center


Deputy Manager

Basic Powers, Duties and Responsibilities:

a) To act as a proxy for the Director in case the Director leaves his/her office temporarily.
b) To plan and carry out the activities of the unit periodically and annually.
c) To monitor the internal correspondence of the unit and to ensure that it is archived.
d) To ensure the control and supply of the technical and educational needs of the unit.
e) Arranging the work schedules and permits of the instructors working in the unit.
f) To determine and program the services to be provided by the unit throughout the university.
g) To coordinate the audit and evaluation processes requested by the university management.














Main Service Unit  General Secretariat
Unit      Gazi University Academic Writing Application and Research Center
Title     Lecturer

Basic Powers, Duties and Responsibilities:

a) To carry out one-to-one consultancy services within the scope of the activity of the unit.

b) To make an appointment by e-mail to Gazi University personnel who want to receive service from the unit.

c) To prepare all kinds of written, visual, digital, online and similar teaching materials related to one-to-one trainings and training programs to be organized.

d) Conducting research on academic writing skills development activities in order to determine the needs of academicians related to academic writing.

e) To take part in the activities such as courses, seminars, applications etc. decided by the management of the center.

f) To carry out the reporting activities related to the audit and evaluation processes requested by the university management under the coordination of the deputy director.






















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